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  • Are you concerned about chronic inflammation?

Chronic inflammation is the common denominator of all chronic lifestyle disease...

But how do I know if I am inflamed?

​Take the test below to determine your 

Inflammation Score

Fill in the details below to instantly receive you Inflammation Score

Your Inflammation Score is : 

How to interpret your Inflammation Score...

1 - 4


See your doctor

5 - 7


Possibly deficient in 

Omega 3 or Vitamin D

8 - 10


Well done!  Keep it up.

If you are LOW or AVERAGE, you could benefit from a high-quality Omega 3 supplement.


Vitamin D Test

Dry blood spot (at home) test

Buy Now


Omega-3 Index Basic Test

Dry blood spot (at home) test

Buy Now


Premium Omega-3D

Fish oil with daily dose of Vitamin D

Buy Now

Set your goals and retest in 8-12 weeks

​Be amazed at the results!